League Deadlines
Mountaineer League Deadlines
It is extremely important that your organization is aware of the following deadlines. Failure to meet these requirement constitutes a violation of Mountaineer Baseball Association League Rules.
I. The following items must be accomplished and/or completed each year, on or before the first Sunday in February or at or before the Mountaineer Baseball Association February monthly meeting, whichever is later:
A. Any player who lives outside the Mountaineer League boundaries and wants to play within the Mountaineer League, needs to submit a petition to the Mountaineer League Appeals Boards. (See Mountaineer League Rule III (H.)
B. Any player wishing to transfer from his or her home Mountaineer League Organization to another Mountaineer League Organization must submit a petition to the Mountaineer League Appeals Board. (See Mountaineer Rule III (I.)
C. Players who have been released by their home member organization must present the written release to the applicable division commissioner and as well, submit to the division commissioner written acknowledgment of acceptance of the player from the organization to which the player is transferring. (See Mountaineer League Rule III (G.) for petition forms).
II. The following items must be accomplished and/or completed each year, on or before the first Sunday in March or at or before the Mountaineer Baseball Association March monthly meeting, whichever is later:
A. Any organization which is cutting a player, must give written notification of the same to the appropriate division commissioner. A cut player is a player who is voluntarily released from the member organization. (See Mountaineer League Rule II (B.) for forms).
B. Organizations which want to be assigned players petitioning to enter the Mountaineer League from outside jurisdictions and/or players cut from other member organizations, shall submit to the Mountaineer League Appeals Board a written request to be assigned such players. (See Mountaineer League Rule II (C.) for forms.
C. Each organization must submit a list of registered players by division with copies of each player’s registration form. The registration forms must be signed by at least one parent or guardian of the registered player. The list of players must include the player’s name, date of birth, complete address, telephone number and names of parents and/or guardians. (See Mountaineer League Rule II (A.).
III. On or before April 1st of each season every coach in every division (except Colt) must provide to all other coaches in the division, a copy of his or her team roster which will include the player’s name, complete address, date of birth and league age as well as the names and addresses and telephone numbers of the head coach and all assistant coaches. There must be attached to the roster a copy of the birth certificate of each player participating in the Mountaineer League for the first time. (See Mountaineer League Rule II (E.) (1), (2) and (3)).